Move More even when it is crazy cold outside!
Jan 21, 2024When I woke up this morning, I was shocked that our outside thermometer read -17. It’s crazy how we went from an extraordinarily warm December to what feels like an extraordinarily cold January.
When it’s cold like this, it’s tempting to just cuddle under a warm blanket and binge on Netflix or read. Though there is nothing wrong with that, we still need to move plenty to stay healthy and strong.
So, how can you get more movement in on these cold days and stay in your warm house?
1. During your workout, jog or march in place while the workout is loading or between sets
2. Put on some music and dance or put on a dance video and dance with your kids (in my case my grandson)
3. Instead of loading your arms full of everything that needs to go upstairs, take smaller loads and make multiple trips instead.
4. Get up and do jumping jacks, march in place, skaters, or some other move during commercials while you are binge watching your favorite show or game
5. Walk around your house. Make a path that includes walking around the table, through the living room, down the hall, up and down the stairs. Your family might think you’ve lost it, but when you move your body, it feels good.
6. Clean — vacuuming, sweeping, and dusting creates a lot of movement and you get the benefit of a clean house!
6. Lastly, if you have young ones in the house play a game like Simon Says. Get silly and laugh!
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