Less Outsourcing. More Ownership
Jun 09, 2023Forgive me while I get on my soapbox today. I just feel moved to rant a bit.
The diet and weight loss industry wants you to believe you’re not good enough, not smart enough, not capable enough, not thin enough and you need “their” plan to live your healthiest life. I call BS.
You are the one to decide what it means to live your healthiest life. There is no such thing as the perfect workout or the perfect nutrition plan. Our health doesn’t fit into a neat package. It is a combination of movement, nutrition, sleep, stress management, hydration, and mindset – unique to each of us.
What works for you won’t necessarily work for someone else. What works for your spouse probably won’t work for you. Each of us needs to find a way that uniquely fits our life, personality, and goals. We need to take responsibility of our health and stop outsourcing it to others.
When you are looking for someone else or something else to know more about you that you do, you’re looking for an easy out or someone/something to blame when it doesn’t work. Instead, take ownership.
What does that mean? It means finding trusted resources and digging into some options that are sustainable long term. Take one thing at a time. Maybe start with nutrition. In a few weeks, add in some movement. Make educated decisions and try different approaches. Monitor how you feel and how you respond. Make a few changes and evaluate again. You are an experiment of one. Yes, it will take time yet it will be worth it because in the end, you will find a lifestyle that works for you.
That’s all.
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